Corporate Engagement
Is your company seeking individualized opportunities to expand its impact on local New York City communities, and to diversify its workforce? You can help Scholarship Plus provide professional development and employment opportunities for this incredible group of students and alumni.
Benefits to Your Organization
- Access to a high achieving, hard-working, and diverse group of interns from top institutions around the nation
- Develop a potential future employee pipeline of motivated, career oriented young professionals
- Provide valuable guidance to first-generation college students on networking, relationship building, and professionalism
- Provide an excellent community engagement opportunity for your employees
How Corporate Partners Can Help
- Employee mentors can advise scholars on professional development
- Provide paid summer internships
- Host sessions at your office to help our scholars build professional skills, such as networking, interviewing, and business writing
For more information on how to customize your support to fit your company, please e-mail our Executive Director, Kate Fenneman Stokes.